Various classes - Travemünder Woche - Travemünde GER - Day 6

Friday, July 26, 2019   (Image © Christian Beeck)
 Various classes  Travemuender Woche  Travemuende GER  Day 6
In sun and a 20kn seabreeze, all classes at the 2019 Travemuende Week completed their full program. ----- The F18 catamarans had their first race day and sailed four races with Friderichsen/Wendel GER on top. ----- In the J/70 German Championship, Michael Grau GER and his team are now the sole leaders. ----- Leader change in the Lasers 4.7 a the German Youth Championship with Philipp Rathmann GER replacing Josse Bonatz GER on top. A new name on first in the Laser Radial as well, where Julian Hofmann GER relegated Mewes Wieduwild GER on rank 2. ----- O-Jollen, Kielzug-Vogel, Open Bic and Teeny Classes were competing as well. ----- All ranking lists and the daily news.
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Various classes - Travemünder Woche - Travemünde GER

Friday, 19. July 2019– Sunday, 28. July 2019

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