Optimist, 420, Laser, Snipe - Trofeo Ciutat de Palma - Palma ESP - Final results, the Swiss

Wednesday, December 7, 2016   (Image © Tomas Moya Llado)
 Optimist, 420, Laser, Snipe  Trofeo Ciutat de Palma  Palma ESP  Final results, the Swiss
The light wind prevailing up to yesterday was replaced by a fresh breeze of up to 20 kn and three challenging races per fleet could be sailed.
In the Optimists, the overall winner is Malthe Ebdrup DEN with the day ranks 1/7/8 one point ahead of Massimiliano Antoniazzi ITA. Mewes Wieduwild GER is on the 3rd place. The best girl Helena Wolff GER follows on the 4th rank. The wind was apparently to strong for Arnaud Grange SUI who dropped on rank 14 after two mediocre ranks (22 and 37). Maxim Dneprov SUI is 17th and Anja Von Allmen SUI 31st among the 285 participants. In the 420s, Marc Llado/Antoni Massanet ESP are the clear winners. Thanks to the day ranks 1 and 2, Nick Zeltner/Till Seger SUI moved up on rank 2.
All other ranking lists (Laser 4.7 & Radial, Snipe, with all-Spanish fleets) and the final report (in Spanish).

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