Bénéteau Figaro - Solo Concarneau - Concarneau FRA - Day 2, Justine Mettraux SUI

Saturday, April 8, 2017   (Image © Christophe Breschi)
 Beneteau Figaro  Solo Concarneau  Concarneau FRA  Day 2, Justine Mettraux SUI
The 37 solo skippers on their Bénéteaux were approaching Concarneau FRA this morning, still very much packed together, as the wind from abeam did not allow tactical moves. The experienced helmspersons are leading the fleet with Charlie Dalin FRA first one mile ahead of a quintet. Justine Mettraux SUI on rank 16 is only 5 miles behind Dalin. ETA is today by noon.
The race tracker and the event website.

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