470 - Coupe Internationale de Printemps - Marseillan FRA - Day 2, the Swiss

Saturday, April 15, 2017   
 470  Coupe Internationale de Printemps  Marseillan FRA  Day 2, the Swiss
The 470 Spring Cup on the Etang de Thau at the French Mediterranean coast continued yesterday with 3 races sailed.
Winning the last race, Philippe Gildas/Jérémy Mion FRA grasped rank 1 tied with Hippolyte Macchetti/Sidoine Dantes FRA at equal points and Kilian Wagen/Grégoire Siegwart SUI. The Swiss will not compete today, as they dislocate to Hyères to prepare for the Worldcup event beginning in a week's time. Linda Fahrni/Maja Siegenthaler SUI advanced on rank 10 and are the second-best Women's team.
The results.
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470 - Coupe Internationale de Printemps - Marseillan FRA

Wednesday, 12. April 2017– Sunday, 16. April 2017


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