Olympic Worldcup 2017, Finals - Santander ESP - Day 1 - Mateo Sanz-Lanz SUI leads

Wednesday, June 7, 2017   
 Olympic Worldcup 2017, Finals  Santander ESP  Day 1  Mateo SanzLanz SUI leads
The moderate winds of the opening day were apparently convenient for Mateo Sanz-Lanz SUI who took the overall lead with the ranks 1/2/9 in the RS:X men windsurfers 2 points ahead of Shahar Zubari ISR. It is just the beginning of a long series, but the Swiss confirmed, that he is among the World's best in light and moderate winds.
All ranking lists, the daily news and the event facebook page with the video of the day.
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Olympic Worldcup - Santander ESP

Monday, 5. June 2017– Sunday, 11. June 2017


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