Beach-Catamaran - Yvan Bourgnon SUI in the North-West Passage

Sunday, July 30, 2017   
 BeachCatamaran  Yvan Bourgnon SUI in the NorthWest Passage
Yvan Bourgnon SUI has been underway on his 6-meter beach catamaran in the North-West Passage from Alaska to Greenland for three weeks now and the Swiss adventurer had to suffer. Dripping wet and frozen after a rainy first week, he was without auto-pilot too as the sun was missing to load the batteries over the solar panel. But now he is sailing in sunshine with high-termperatures around 0°C. Easterly winds force him to sail upwind delaying his journey substantially. Only a 'date' with a whale (photo) brought some entertainment in the lonely trip.
The Facebook page with videos and interviews.

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