470, 49er - Invitational Test Event - Santander ESP - Day 1

Tuesday, June 15, 2021   
In Santander, supposably offering similar conditions to the Olympic venue in Japan, numerous top teams are preparing for the Games. Yesterday, a test event was kicked off with three races each. ----- Dylan Fletcher/Stuart Bithell GBR lead the 49ers with Diego Botin/Iago Lopez ESP and Eric Heil/Thomas Plössel GER on 2nd and 3rd. ----- In the 470s, Jordi Xammar/Nicolas Rodriguez ESP took the lead with the day ranks 1/1/2. Anton Dahlberg/Frederik Bergström SWE follow 2 points behind in 2nd place. Behind the 3rd Costa/Costa POR, Maria Bover/Fernando Rodriguez ESP in 4th are the best mixed team. ----- Zegers/Berkhout NED and Barnes/Dallmann USA are the top-ranked women's teams, tied for 5th and 6th places. ----- The rankings.

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