
Optimist - European Championship 2016 - Crotone ITA - Final results - Gold for Germany and Italy, ranks of the Swiss

Friday, July 22, 2016   
 Optimist  European Championship 2016  Crotone ITA  Final results  Gold for Germany and Italy, ranks of the Swiss
The Optimist European Championship 2016 was concluded yesterday with two races per fleet.
Gaia Bergonzini ITA climbed on rank 1 of the Girls' Goldfleet on the last day, as Melina Pappa GRE had two medium races only and descended on rank 3. Girl of the day was Antonia Schultheis MLT, winning both heats and grasping the Silver Medal. Anja Von Allmen SUI advanced on rank 10 overall. With a 5th race rank, Marie Van der Klink SUI progressed as well finishing 32nd. Rosine Baudet SUI also sailing in the Goldfleet concluded the Championship as 46th.
A leader change occurred also in the Boys' Goldfleet. Winning the last race, Mewes Wieduwild GER grasped the title on the last moment. As his sister in the Girls, Richard Schultheis MLT was the best of the day and won Silver. Bronze went to Paolo Peracca ITA, who lost the title with two medium ranks in the last heats. Alexander Hubmann SUI, the only Swiss in the Goldfleet, could not improve his position and finished 54th. Jonas Domeisen SUI however, sailing in the Silverfleet, climbed on rank 5 (= 67th overall), Maxim Dneprov SUI and Luca Schäfer SUI followed on the ranks 12 and 13, i.e. also in the first half of the 184 participants.
The event facebook page with all ranking lists and the interviews with the Champions.
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Optimist - European Championship 2016 - Crotone ITA

Sunday, 17. July 2016– Monday, 25. July 2016


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