
Optimist - Annual Points' Championship 2017, Act Lugano - CV Lago di Lugano - Final results

Monday, March 20, 2017   (Image © Peter Schmidle)
 Optimist  Annual Points' Championship 2017, Act Lugano  CV Lago di Lugano  Final results
The wind forecast was wrong again yesterday, as the predicted Northwind did not materialise, and a Southwind filled in again .... late but fresh with 17 kn. Shortly before the time limit, a last race could be started. Adrian Surocca SNG won 3 of the 4 races of the weekend in his group and finished first ahead of Maxime Thommen YCZ and Maxim Dneprov SCC. Anja Von Allmen RCO on rank 5 was the best girl. Robin Imbert SNG on rank 36 was the best of the U12 sailors.
The results and the event facebook page.

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