
Women's International Match Race Series 2017 - Act 4 - Tourville FRA - Day 2

Thursday, December 14, 2017   (Image © Patrick Deroualle)
 Women's International Match Race Series 2017  Act 4  Tourville FRA  Day 2
Unconstant and gusty winds prevailed yesterday during the last races of Round Robin one. Half of the duels of Round Robin two have already been completed.
Pauline Courtois FRA was on the first position after RR1 with a 9-1 score. In RR2, she is again dominating with 5-0. Anne-Claire Le Berre FRA follows with 5-1 w/l. Allie Blecher USA is forth. By this evening, the pairings of the Quarter Finals will be known.
The results, the daily news and the video of the day.

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