Multi 70 - Maserati sets new Tea Route record

Monday, February 26, 2018   
 Multi 70  Maserati sets new Tea Route record
Maserati Multi 70 crossed the finish line in London, under the Queen Elizabeth II bridge, at 13.20′ 26″ UTC on February 23rd, after 36 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes and 2 seconds of sailing, conquering the Tea Route record, from Hong Kong to London. Giovanni Soldini and the crew improved the record set in 2008 by Lionel Lemonchois on board the 100 footer maxi catamaran Gitana 13 (41 days, 21 hours and 26 minutes). Maserati's finish time improves the record by 5 days and 19 hours, traveling 15'083nm at an average speed of 17.4 knots. The Maserati Soldini website

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