
Zürichsee Langstrecken-Cup - Distanzfahrt Zürich-Horgen - SC Enge

Wednesday, September 19, 2018   (Image © Martin Tschupp)
 Zuerichsee LangstreckenCup  Distanzfahrt ZuerichHorgen  SC Enge
Last Saturday, the second-last Round of the 2018 Long-Distance-Cup was held organised by the SC Enge leading from Zürich to Horgen and back. Once more, a foiling Quant 23 was the winner, this time with Beat Graf ZYC. On rank 2 followed the Chaps 30 of Bruno Schmid SCE. Werner Steinauer SCStä with his X-35 followed as 3rd. 69 teams participated.
The results.

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