
Swiss Sailing - General Assembly 2020 - Elections without candidats

Wednesday, November 11, 2020   
 Swiss Sailing  General Assembly 2020  Elections without candidats
Next Saturday, November 14, the General Assembly 2020 of the Swiss Sailing Federation will take place virtually on the Internet for the first time. The Covid restrictions of the canton of Berne do not allow for major live events. On the agenda are the election of the Board of Directors as well as, among other things, votes on the continuation of the increased membership fee and amendments to the Swiss championship regulations submitted by members. Since the incumbent president Martin Vogler SCStä will not stand for re-election after one term of office, the statutes stipulate that a president from French/Italian-speaking Switzerland should be elected as the central president. Unfortunately, Vice President Olivier Baudet CNM, the last remaining French-speaking Swiss member of the board, also submitted his resignation, and a new candidate from Latin Switzerland could not be found. The office of the President will therefore remain vacant, and no candidate has made himself available for the office of the French-speaking Vice-President.
Suisse Romande is without a doubt the pioneering part of Switzerland, historically and in terms of both activity and excellence. We understand that working in an association, which today is mainly self-absorbed and brings little substance to the base, is not very motivating. The sport of sailing is still carried by the clubs and regions as well as the classes, and there is little need for centralistic regimentation and self-presentation exercises.
Board members are not found by helpless advertisements and calls in "follow-me" and on the Federation website. Qualified candidates are to be proposed for election from the grassroots after serious discussions in and between the regions. It is now up to the club and class presidents, with the forthcoming election of experienced, honorary Board members, to lead the association - which by the way is also supported by almost one million francs in membership fees -, back to being a service provider for the sport of sailing.
The results of the votes are to be announced on Monday evening.

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