
Farr 30 - Sailing Arabia - The Tour - Dubai UAE - Day 3

Wednesday, February 17, 2016   (Image © Mark Lloyd)
 Farr 30  Sailing Arabia  The Tour  Dubai UAE  Day 3
After initiating the event with the Dubai Inport Races, the nine teams of the Arabian Tour sailed their first leg from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. First were again 'Team Averda' with Marcel Herrera GBR, winners of the two Inport-Races. Obviously, they are the clear overall leaders ahead of last year's winner 'EFG Bank Monaco' with Sydney Gavignet FRA.
The Abu Dhabi Inport Races are already underway this Wednesday morning and can be followed over live ticker and GPS tracking. The event website.
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Farr 30 - Sailing Arabia - The Tour - Dubai UAE

Monday, 15. February 2016– Sunday, 28. February 2016


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