
Your support is very much welcome…

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To compensate the loss of revenue of the last two years, and to not only maintain, but also extend the content of our sailing-news pages, we would be very grateful for your support by means of donations:

In CHF on our PC account IBAN CH33 0900 0000 8510 9084 1, sailing-news GmbH, Binderstrasse 54, 8702 Zollikon
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Nowhere else in Swiss media, your marketing message reaches a wider audience of sailing interested persons as on our sailing-news website. A variety of advertising formats at fair fees are offered to be included in your advertising plan, from a Premium-Banner (equal to an event title sponsoring) to single PR messages (sponsored content). Please find all details. We glady get in contact with you for a detailed offer covering your advertising needs at

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Clubs, Classes, Regional Associations and other interested bodies can use part or all of the content we provide daily directly on their website. By means of a transfer tool, texts with additions will be directly uploaded onto their Internet site. Among our customers for such a service have been for 8 years the international Laser Class ( and for almost 3 years also the Swiss-Sailing-Team Ltd ( with news incl photos as defined. Such cooperations are possible with national and international classes, with clubs and others. Only an up-to-date website will regularly be visited. The fees for such services are very moderate. We would be happy to offer such a service in detail. Please contact:

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Your daily visits not only keep you up-to-date about international and national sail racing, but help us to increase the attractivity of our website with higher visitor volumes in our Google statistics and herewith an increased value and attractivity for our advertising partners, who keep alive. Please honour therefore our advertising customers in your purchases! We would of course also very much appreciate your likes on our facebook page,

…and last but not least, tell your friends and colleagues, that is the website to visit when it comes to updated information on sail-racing. We endeavour to be the fastest and most accurate in the World-Wide-Web, day to day all year round.

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