
Farr 30 - Sailing Arabia - The Tour - Doha UAE - Leg 3 - Day 10

Wednesday, February 24, 2016   (Image © Lloyd Images)
 Farr 30  Sailing Arabia  The Tour  Doha UAE  Leg 3  Day 10
The fleet of the Arabian Sailing Tour stalled yesterday in the dying wind on the Arabian Gulf, and the key race (280 miles) of the event had to be shortened by the Race Director. 'EFG Bank Monaco' with Sidney Gavignet FRA booked another win. The teams are now motoring to Khasab, where the start to leg 4 is on the program tomorrow already.
The event website.
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Farr 30 - Sailing Arabia - The Tour - Dubai UAE

Monday, 15. February 2016– Sunday, 28. February 2016


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