
Laser - Championnat de la Méditerrannée, Act 4 - La Grande Motte FRA - Final results

Tuesday, May 24, 2016   (Image © Didier Hillaire)
 Laser  Championnat de la Mediterrannee, Act 4  La Grande Motte FRA  Final results
Round 4 of the French Laser Mediterranean Championship took place in La Grande Motte over the past weekend in partly windy conditions with a big swell. Five races by class were completed
In the Lasers 4.7, the winner was Matisse Pacaud FRA 2 points ahead of Felix Baudet SUI. Louise Cervera FRA was first in the Radials one point ahead of Marie Barrué FRA. 46 participants started. On top of the small Laser Standard fleet was Romain Simmonot FRA with 5 bullets.
All ranking lists and the pictures.

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