
Be part of our website !

Monday, October 17, 2016   
 Be part of our website !
For almost 12 years now, we have been searching, digesting and editing all information on international and national sail racing with the objective to provide for the lastest results, news, videos and photos on behalf of all sailing enthusiasts day by day all year round early in the morning. At the same time, our platform is the 'open window' for clubs, classes and the nautical industry to reach a wide target public. This service has made the preferred, largest central hub in Switzerland and also Europe-wide, our pages are among the most visited.
This free service can only be offered thanks to our advertising customers and subscribers for part or full content download services. With the €uro exchange rate change two years ago, the nautical industry in Switzerland has been impacted as well and our business volumes have been substantially reduced in the past two years.
It is our determination to continue this full service so important for the general awareness of our sport as before, to the benefit of athletes, clubs, classes and the industry, but we need the assistance of all interested parties. Be it as advertiser - our fees remain really moderate - or donator with an offering. We hope to fund our modest 2017 budget until yearend with at least another CHF 25‘000 to be able to continue our news service at a high level as in the past.
More information how to assist us can be found here.

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