
Optimist, Laser 4.7, RS Feva - Championnat Junior ACVL - CN Pully - Final results

Monday, May 15, 2017   
 Optimist, Laser 4.7, RS Feva  Championnat Junior ACVL  CN Pully  Final results
Lull conditions prevailed unfortunately at the Lake Geneva Youth Championship off Pully/Lausanne during the past weekend, and only one race per fleet could be completed on Sunday.
In the Lasers 4.7 (10 boats), Romain Lenormand SNG finished first, in the Optimists (65 boats), Jeanlou Lauber CNM was on top ahead of Viktoria Jedlinska CNV and Alexandre Grognuz CVVT. Best among the 12 RS Feva teams were Alexander Ott/Giuliano Zennaro CVN.
The event website.

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