AC-50 - 35th America's Cup - Hamilton BER - the program of this week

Tuesday, June 13, 2017   
 AC50  35th America's Cup  Hamilton BER  the program of this week
After the conclusion of the Louis Vuitton Challenger Sailoffs until the start of the America's Cup match June 17, two supporting Acts are on the program this week. The Youth America's Cup for Group B will continue today with the remaining 3 fleetraces. In addition, the Super-Yacht-Cup, a Show-Regatta for yachts exceeding 80 foot, will be held. Thursday and Friday, Group A of the Youth America's Cup will sail their elimination fleetraces. 'Team Tilt' with Sébastien Schneiter SUI, one of the favorites, will defend the Swiss colors. The preview of 'Team Tilt'.
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AC-45-Catamaran - Youth America's Cup - Hamilton BER

Monday, 12. June 2017– Wednesday, 21. June 2017

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