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Friday, May 18, 2018   
 Your advertising on !
With 150'000 unique readers and over 700'000 page contacts from more than 120 countries per year, is by far the most considered Sailing platform in Switzerland. As sole sailing-only medium in Switzerland, these pages address sailing-interested prospects and customers exclusively, and guarantee therefore an optimum presence in this target group at moderate fees compared to print-medias. In addition to the classic banner advertising (including regular text PR news as 'Sponsored Content'), individual news at moderate price can be booked.
Our pages are financed with advertising, content selling to other websites, and - fortunate enough - voluntary financial contributions from our readers appreciating this up-to-date service.
Just to repeat an important fact ..... sailing-news is the only news platform in international sailing present 365 days/year in English, French and German. Also over weekends and holydays ..... 'when sailing-happens'.... obviously so on the coming Pentecost weekend with a very busy regatta calendar. Stay tuned ... and support the sailing-news-platform.

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