
OpenBic - World Championship 2019 - Auckland NZL - Day 5

Thursday, January 3, 2019   
 OpenBic  World Championship 2019  Auckland NZL  Day 5
The Open Bic World Championship has been underway in New Zealand five days, and considering the time difference, today's races have already been completed.
Before tomorrow's last races, Breanne Wadley AUS is leading in the U13 rankings ahead of Ted Houry NZL. Tiphaine Rideau FRA follows at quite some distance on rank 3. 64 participants from 6 nations and 4 continents are present.
In the U17 rankings, Davide Mulas ITA is first 10 points ahead of Josh Hyde NZL. On rank 3 follows Travis Wadley AUS. 69 participants from 8 nations and 4 continents are present.
The event website.

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