
Laser - Championnat de la Méditerrannée - Final - Marseille FRA - Final results

Tuesday, November 12, 2019   
 Laser  Championnat de la Mediterrannee  Final  Marseille FRA  Final results
Erroneously, we reported the conclusion of the Laser Mediterranean Championship yesterday, not realizing, that Monday (Armistice Holiday in France) was a race day as well. ----- In the Lasers 4.7, Eliott Raison SUI climbed on rank 1, followed by Loïc Oddin SUI. 35 participants. ----- No change on top of the Lasers Radial with Matthis Pacaud FRA on frist ahead of Louise Cervera FRA. 48 participants. ----- In the Lasers Standard, Santiago Sampaio POR dominated again yesterday winning both heats, and taking the overall victory by a considerable margin. ----- Two races were held in moderate winds. ----- The le ranking list and the news.

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