
Support of the International Olympic Committee for financially broken World Sailing

Tuesday, June 23, 2020   
 Support of the International Olympic Committee for financially broken World Sailing
Already before the Corona crisis, World Sailing was out-of-line financially due to mismanagement. The fact that the IOC announced support for International Federations with financial problems due to the Corona restrictions was obviously warmly welcomed by the sailing federation. The 42 federations domiciled in Switzerland received in addition financial support of the Swiss Government (not the case for World Sailing London). Details about the amount and form of this support have not been given in the report of World Sailing. With the postponement of the Olympic Games, many federations are facing major financial problems. ----- Normally, the profit of the Olympic Games, mainly from television rights, is distributed after the Games to the National Olympic Committees and the International Federations, the latter categorized as to their importance in the media world. After Rio 2016, sailing considered as "minor sport", received 15 million $ from the IOC, the principal revenue to run the federation. The 2019 financial statements, assumably with a deep red bottom line, have not yet been published, and the 2020 operation seems to largely depend on external credits. It is not known whether and how the financial recovery will be brought about. Concerned circles hope for a new beginning after the election of a new Executive Committee at the General Assembly in November 2020, in person or electronically (Corona restricted).

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