IMOCA Open 60 - New York-Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne - Day 12

Tuesday, June 11, 2024   
Two days behind the winner Charlie Dalin FRA, Jérémy Beyou FRA ('Charal') finished 3rd in Les Sables d'Olonne yesterday. Only 2 hours later Sébastien Simon FRA ('Groupe Dubreuil') followed, and another hour later Thomas Ruyant FRA ('Vulnerable') was 5th. This morning, the second chasing group will reach the finish: Yoann Richomme ('Arkea-Paprec') was still 50 miles short, and only 3 miles behind, Samantha Davis GBR ('Initiatives Coeur') is not letting up. Justine Mettraux SUI ('Teamwork/Team SNEF') will finish the race in 8th place at noon today. Oliver Heer SUI leads the group that tried their luck in the north in 18th place .... and is still in the calms. ----- The race tracker and the reports.
IMOCA Open 60 - New York-Vendée - New York USA

Wednesday, 29. May 2024– Monday, 10. June 2024


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