Bol d'Or Lac Léman - SN Genève - Start at 10am

Saturday, June 15, 2024   
403 teams will start the Bol d'Or today at 10am in Geneva. The forecasts promise 3-4 Bft SW winds, it should be a fast race with the TF35 foiling trimarans pulling away at the front. Conditions are also good for Thomas Jundt's foiling monohull QFX, which is likely to duel with the Hungarian Libera Raffica (Gabor Kiraly HUN) for the top places. The Race Village has been open in Geneva since yesterday, entertainment will be provided. The race can be followed via GPS-Tracking and via live broadcast, also on our pages (as soon as we find the link...). The event website and the presentation brochure.

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