
Yardstick - TBSV-Cup - Schloss-Pintli-Cup - YC Spiez

Wednesday, May 25, 2016   
 Yardstick  TBSVCup  SchlossPintliCup  YC Spiez
25 participated on Saturday in the 2016 Lake Thoune/Lake Brienz TBSV-Cup opening regatta. Three races were completed. Winner in the Yardstick rankings <100 was Christoph Schenker TYC with his Dolphin, in the ranking >100, Ursula Flück/Karin Siegenthaler TYC were first. Winners in the catamaran classification were Daniel Schöntal/Peter Blumenstein YCSp on a Ventilo 20.
The ranking lists (PDF).

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