
Dragon, Star, O-Yole, P-Yole, Schärenkreuzer - Sowjet Russian Championshipt 1956 - Riga RUS (now LTU) - the film clip

Tuesday, October 18, 2016   
 Dragon, Star, OYole, PYole, Schaerenkreuzer  Sowjet Russian Championshipt 1956  Riga RUS (now  LTU)  the film clip
With some delay, the film clip covering the Sovjet Russian Sailing Championship 1956 has been posted. Apparently, five classes had their races with the O-Yole the women's class ! The 8-minutes film has even a number of onboard takes, and also a taste of the club live is given, all with a smashing background music. Results were not indicated ... in the O-Yoles, the blond girl finished first.
The video.

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