
Around the world record - Maxi-Trimaran 'Sodebo' - Day 9

Tuesday, November 15, 2016   
 Around the world record  MaxiTrimaran 'Sodebo'  Day 9
With 624 nm covered, the last 24 hours were the fastest ones so far for Thomas Coville FRA in his round-the-world record attempt on his Maxi-Trimaran 'Sodebo'. His advantage on the existing record has grown to 541 nm. Heading straight South, he moved away from the Brazilian Coast and this morning UTC, he has already crossed the 30th Southern Parallel. The St-Helena anticyclone forces him to stay on his course, probably until he hits the Roaring Forties to put about East and pass the Cape of Good Hopes.
The race tracker and the facebook page with the third edition fo the video magazine (10 min).

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