
Laser Radial - Swiss Championship 2017 - YC Bielersee - Final results

Monday, May 22, 2017   
 Laser Radial  Swiss Championship 2017  YC Bielersee  Final results
The Laser Radial Swiss Championship on Lake Bienne was concluded yesterday with only four races completed. Nicolas Rolaz CNM defended his first position winning the title with a 5 points' advantage on Grégoire Peverelli SNG. Gauthier Verhulst CNP moved up on the 3rd position. Rosine Baudet CNM on rank 16 among the 32 participants was the best girl. Finishing in the middle of the fleet were the veterans Edgar Röthlisberger YCB on rank 11 and Lorenz Müller YCB as 13th enjoying the event at their local club and race against the youngsters.
The ranking list and the class facebook page, where a report on the event will probably follow during the day.
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Laser - Swiss Championship 2017 - YC Bielersee

Thursday, 18. May 2017– Sunday, 21. May 2017


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