Figaro 3 - Sardinha Cup - Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie FRA - Final results, Mettraux/Gahinet 20th

Sunday, April 14, 2019   
 Figaro 3  Sardinha Cup  SaintGillesCroixdeVie FRA  Final results, Mettraux/Gahinet 20th
Winning leg 3 of this two-person team regatta, Yann Eliès FRA/Samantha Davies GBR finished on top of the Sardinha Cup overall rankings, i.e. the inaugural regatta of the new Figaro-3-Class equipped with foils. Lois Berrehar/Thomas Rouxel FRA on rank 2 finished just one point ahead of Xavier Macaire/Achille Nebout FRA on 3rd. Justine Mettraux SUI/Gwénolé Gahinet FRA terminated the 3rd leg as 19th and are 20th overall.
The results and the final report.
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Figaro 3 - Sardinha Cup - St. Gilles-Croix-de-Vie FRA

Saturday, 30. March 2019– Saturday, 13. April 2019

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