
Optimist - Ora-Cup - Arco ITA - Final results

Monday, August 5, 2019   
 Optimist  OraCup  Arco ITA  Final results
After six races, Adriano Cardi ITA ahead of Toni Messeritsch AUT and Benedek Barna HUN were on the podium of the Optimist Ora-Cup on Lake Garda, held over the past weekend with a record participation of 582 boats. The ranking list Juniores (age 12-15). ----- The younger Cadetti sailed 7 races with Erik Scheidt ITA/BRA as winner ahead of Tomaso Picotti ITA and Christian Scudelari ITA. The ranking list Cadetti. ----- Passing thunderstorms impacted the competition, but nevertheless a comprehensive program has been completed. ----- The event website with all results and the event facebook page.

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