
Nacra 15, Flying Phantom, various Catamarans - Trophée des Rentes Genevoise - SN Genève

Tuesday, October 8, 2019   
 Nacra 15, Flying Phantom, various Catamarans  Trophee des Rentes Genevoise  SN Geneve
Well-attended Catamaran regattas took place in Geneva over the past weekend and the four classes present completed 6 to 7 races each. ----- Dominating winner in the foiling Flying Phantom-Cats was Maxime Bachelin CVV with seven bullets. Alex Schneiter SNG finished 2nd. First in the Youth-Nacra-15-Cat were Alexis Pariat/Paul Van der Klink CNM. In the Cat C1 rankings, Jean-Richard Minardi YCG on a Nacra Infusion was on top ahead of Jean-Jacques Borne CNM on a Nacra-20. On rank one in the single-hander Cats was Gael Tissot SNG on an A-Cat. ----- All ranking lists.

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