
Laser - Championnat de la Méditerrannée - Act 1 - Hyères FRA - Day 1

Sunday, February 23, 2020   
 Laser  Championnat de la Mediterrannee  Act 1  Hyeres FRA  Day 1
Light winds and sun prevailed yesterday on Hyères Bay during the first races of the 2020 Laser Mediterranean Championship, Act 1. The Lasers 4.7 and the Radials completed one, the Standards two races. ----- Good results for the Swiss: In the Lasers 4.7 (53 participants/6 nations), Loïc Oddin SUI finished first ahead of Noë Herrmann SUI and Michelle Ini ITA. ----- Two Swiss on top of the Lasers Radial (80 participants/5 nations): Antonis Asonitis SUI won ahead of Benjamin Dufour SUI and Niccolo Elena ITA. ----- In the Lasers Standard (21 participants/5 nations), Thomas Flachon FRA won both races. ----- All results and the event facebook page.

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