
Optimist, ILCA 4 & 6, 29er, RSFeva - Championnat Junior ACVL - CV Vidy - Day 1

Sunday, May 9, 2021   
Good conditions yesterday on Lake Geneva for the first round of the annual Lake Geneva Junior Championship. 3 races were sailed in all classes. Edward Hirsch SUI/SNG and Luca Paul-Guers FRA lead the Optimists with equal points. Justine Barbarin CNV is the best girl in 6th place. There are 60 Optis at the start. Emily Cook CNV and Kacper Pawlowski CNV share the lead in the ILCA 4, in the RS Feva Tanguy Favre/Emma Gregorin CNV have taken the lead and in the 29er Nicolas Comby/Pierre Jully CNP are ahead with three race wins. The event website.

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