
Optimist, ILCA 4 & 6, 29er, RSFeva - Championnat Junior ACVL - CV Vidy

Monday, May 10, 2021   
 Optimist, ILCA 4 + 6, 29er, RSFeva  Championnat Junior ACVL  CV Vidy
After Saturday's 3 races, it remained flat on Lake Geneva yesterday, with no more races. ----- In the Optimists, Edward Hirsch SNG won by one point over Nolann Huet des Aunay FRA - 80 Optis were at the start. ----- Tanguy Favre/Emma Grégorin CNM took victory in the RS-Feva. ----- In the 29ers, Nicolas Combis/Pierre Jully CNP won all three races. ----- In the Lasers 4.7, Emily Cook CNV finished first. ----- Thomas Vez CNM had the upper hand in the match race of the two ILCA 6. ----- The event website.

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