18 Footer - Spring Championship - Sydney AUS - Race 1

Sunday, October 20, 2024   
 18 Footer  Spring Championship  Sydney AUS  Race 1
The Australian 18-footer season began this morning with the first race of the Spring Championship. With gusts up to 25 knots, it was a baptism of fire for the often newly formed teams: No team made it through without capsizing, and only 6 of the 15 teams that started finished the race. Here is the replay of the live broadcast (2 hours). Starting today, we will bring you a bit of summer sailing atmosphere from the entertaining Sydney Harbour into the European winter with the early morning live broadcasts every Sunday - culminating in the World Championship in March 2025 (JJ Giltinan). ----- There's a detailed preview of the season on the event website, with a report on the day expected to follow around midday (CET).

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