Optimist - Palamos Trophy - Palamos ESP - Day 2

Saturday, February 15, 2025   
In light winds, the fleet, divided into 5 groups, could only complete one race after a lengthy postponement of the start. The qualifications for the final regattas therefore continue today. ----- Jesper Karlsson ITA took the lead with a race win in his group, and one point behind, Francesco Colotto ITA and Hugues Willot FRA share 2nd place. Clara Zunquin FRA is the best girl in 5th place. Thanks to a 5th place in his group, Aston Muntmark SUI moved to 14th place, and Eivinn Löfteröd SUI dropped back to 23rd place. Numerous early starts shook the rankings: Stijn Oosterhaven ESP, the leader after the start day, dropped back to 157th, while Tim Baile SUI, the best Swiss after the start day in 8th place, is now 164th. Teo Filliger SUI (32nd place), Tomaso Magnetti SUI (34th place), Ivan Salikov SUI (41st place), Lena Müller SUI (58th place), Giorgio Bolgiani SUI (83rd place), Alina Durrer SUi (96th place), Lou Eisenhut (96th place) and Adrian Koller SUI (103rd place) remain on course for the gold fleet. With three races on the program and the discard result in effect at the end of the day, the classification will change significantly again. ----- The ranking list and the report.
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Optimist - Palamos Trophy - Palamos ESP

Wednesday, 12. February 2025– Sunday, 16. February 2025


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