
Match Racing - European Match Race Tour - Act 3 - Wien AUT - Final results

Tuesday, April 4, 2017   
 Match Racing  European Match Race Tour  Act 3  Wien AUT  Final results
After two spring-like days with a 20 kn breeze, the wind was gone on the final day of the European Match Race Tour event on the old Danube River downtown Vienna, and the competition was concluded prematurely. Patryk Zbroja POL was declared winner ahead of Christian Binder AUT. On rank 3 followed Dejan Presen CRO, advancing herewith on rank 1 of the overall Tour rankings, replacing the leading double winner and leader Simon Bertheau FRA not competing in Vienna.
The final ranking table and the news.
Act 4 will be held in Monaco on the coming weekend already.

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