
Support Sailing News - we need your help !

Wednesday, October 4, 2017   
 Support Sailing News  we need your help !
For almost 14 years on 365 days/year, we have been informing on all yacht-racing activities, nationally and internationally. We are world-wide among the fastest and most complete sailing web portal and readers from 100 countries, among them half from Switzerland, visit our pages. Never before, information on the activities of Swiss sailors, Clubs and Classes has been presented to such an wide audiance.
Communication is according to the bylaws one of the most important tasks of the Swiss Federation. During the past 12 years, Swiss Sailing unfortunately refrained from spreading sail racing information and we did fill this gap without cost neither for Swiss Sailing nor you, the readers. .
With Euro-Swiss franc exchance rate problems, a significant number of our advertisers faced financial difficulties and our revenue achieved at present does unfortunately not cover the cost to produce these pages.
With the fundraising action launched a year ago, we tried to fill this gap, and we are very grateful indeed for all responding positively with donation .... but the result was badly enough not overwhelming. Until the end of the year, we need urgently CHF 20'000 to keep our alive, be it by advertising contracts or donations. Thank you very much in advance for your kind assistance. Here the details on our Support Sailing News action.

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