
Super-Foiler-Series - Act 1 - Adelaide AUS - Day 2

Saturday, February 3, 2018   (Image © Andrea Francolini)
 SuperFoilerSeries  Act 1  Adelaide AUS  Day 2
Yesterday was the first day of Act 1 of the inaugural Super-Foiler-Series for High-Tech-Foiler-Trimarans in Adelaide AUS. The wind exceeding 20kn allowed for only one race, dominated by 'euroflex' of the America's Cup experienced Nathan Outteridge/Iain Jensen ('Artemis') pimped up with Glen Ashby (AC holder 'Team NZL'). Of the five teams on the list of participants, 'tech2' was eliminated before the start after a capsize and refrained from sailing today.
The program of today Saturday has already been completed, and all three heats were again won by Nathan Outteridge AUS. 'iDintranet' with Paul Campbell-James GBR finished three times as 2nd. The fresh winds challenged the teams again, and this time, it was Phil Robertson NZL and his team capsizing. Racing can be followed live early in the morning on this website (see above)
The results and the news.

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