
Laser - Championnat de la Méditerrannée - Marseille FRA - Final results

Monday, April 23, 2018   
 Laser  Championnat de la Mediterrannee  Marseille FRA  Final results
Light winds around 8kn again in Marseille yesterday and all three fleets sailed another race only without major changes on the podiums.
Farah Imbert SUI finished first in the Lasers 4.7 with two race wins ahead of Maxime Faure FRA and Joanne Gavin AUS. Two bullets also for Louise Cervera FRA in the Radials, ahead of Matisse Pacaud FRA on 2nd and Gauthier Verhulst SUI climbing on 3rd overall in the last race. Swiss victory in the Lasers Standard: Nicolas Rolaz SUI remained on top inspite of a premature start. On the ranks 2-4 followed at equal points the Hyères trio Arthur Guilloneau FRA, Xavier Labbe FRA and Arthur Barrué FRA.
All ranking lists and the photos.

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