
Support Sailing-News - The crucial 2 weeks ! Please support us !

Wednesday, December 19, 2018   
 Support SailingNews  The crucial 2 weeks ! Please support us !
The urgent pleas for support in favour of our fundraising campaign of the past days have shown first posititve results - many thanks to all supporters. However, until the end of the year, there is still a shortage of CHF 14,000 to continue our work in the same scope.
With Swiss Sailing having terminated the cooperation with us and herewith abstaining from fulfilling Constitution Art 4c. i.e. Media Support for its members, it remains to the sailing community - interested readers, clubs, classes - to keep this daily sailing information channel open in the future. With about 100,000 unique visitors/year in Switzerland alone, about 50% of the estimated 200,000 active sailors in this country, our media penetrations is a multiple of Swiss Sailing's reach, who is focusing on its shrinking number of registered club members (currently about 15,000).
We have been running our fundraising campaign to keep this window of our sport open for the vast and growing public. Thank you very much for your support, that we urgently need.

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