
29er, Optimist, RS Feva, Laser Radial - Championnat Juniors ACVL - CN Pully - Day 1

Sunday, June 21, 2020   
 29er, Optimist, RS Feva, Laser Radial  Championnat Juniors ACVL  CN Pully  Day 1
Remarkable fleets enjoyed good sailing conditions on day one of the Lake Geneva Youth Championship in Pully, and all four classes completed three races each. ----- The largest class were as always the Optimists with 37 participants from 2 nations. The leader at the end of the first day is Sam Noakes CVVT ahead of Antonin Radue CNP and Mateo Baertschy CNV. Justine Barbarin CNV on rank 5 is the best girl. The Optimist results. ----- In the 29ers (6 teams), Brent and Robbe Verhoest CNV are on top. ----- With two race wins, Jessica Anderson/Ella Dörries CNM are on rank 1 in the RS Feva (9 teams). ----- The Laser Point-Championship event in Neuchâtel restrained the participation in the Lasers Radial. ----- The event facebook page.
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29er, Optimist, RSFeva - Championnat ACVL Juniors - CN Pully

Saturday, 20. June 2020– Sunday, 21. June 2020


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