Calendar - THE platform for Swiss Sailing

Wednesday, February 3, 2016  THE platform for Swiss Sailing
On February 1, we celebrated the 11th Anniversary of the www.sailing-news website, 11 years to become the most contacted Internet sailing platform in Switzerland. During the past year, the volume of readers reached again the high level of almost 600'000 page views, i.e. exceeding the number of visitor contact at the Berne and Friedrichshafen Boat Shows, not to speak about the printed magazines with mostly relatively low four-digit editions.
2016 is an Olympic Year and therefore good for a further increase in the number of followers of our uptodate well-edited informaton. Four years ago, almost 10'000 readers followed every day the Olympics on www.sailing-news.
We remain the most-contacted, most efficient and best-value platform for all suppliers targeting the nautical customer segment. Various advertising options, starting at CHF 300 already, are available. Do not hesitate to to contact us for all necessary details.

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