
12 years !

Wednesday, February 1, 2017   
 12 years !
On February 1, 2005, the Internet platform was launched, and meanwhile, almost 200'000 ' unique identified visitors look for our daily information on the international and national sailing sports' activities. Sailing-news is by far the most wide-spread medium in Swiss sailing. With the help of our advertisers, we have been able to produce our pages early every morning in three languages.
With the €uro-crisis hitting the Swiss nautical industry, we have lost a number of advertisers during the past two years. For this reason, we have launched a support action in October 2016 to make sure, that these pages will survive in the future for the benefit of the many sailing sport enthusiasts (there is no other medium with up-to-date information), sailing in general, and also for clubs, classes and above all the athletes who need to have a window to a large public. Thanks very much for the support we have received in the past weeks. We continue our campaign during this year as there is still a financial gap to safeguard the future of these pages.
For businesses of all kind wanting to reach yachting interested people, sailing-news remains the most cost-efficient and widest-spread platform for sales promotion. We would like to keep on offering our daily news for free to the largest possible readership, and with your contributions as sponsors or advertisers, you make sure that these pages will survive.
Here the details.

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