Laser 4.7 - European Championship 2017 - Murcia ESP - Final results

Sunday, April 23, 2017   
 Laser 4.7  European Championship 2017  Murcia ESP  Final results
The Laser 4.7 European Championship 2017 in Murcia ESP was concluded yesterday with two races.
Frederica Catarozzi ITA remained a class of her own in the Girls winning the title with a 17 points' advantage on Ana Moncada ESP moving up on rank 2 in the last races. Shai Kakon ISR as 3rd grasped the U16 title.
Ranks one and two for Turkey in the Boys with Yigit Yalcin TUR and Yilkan Timursah TUR. As best of the day, Roberto Bermudez de Castro ESP advanced on rank 3 on the last day.
All ranking lists, the event website and the video of the last day.
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Laser 4.7 - European Championship 2017 - Murcia ESP

Saturday, 15. April 2017– Saturday, 22. April 2017

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