F16-Catamaran - European Championship 2017 - Morges SUI - Day 3, Le Chapelier/Le Bouéléc FRA extend lead

Thursday, July 20, 2017   
 F16Catamaran  European Championship 2017  Morges SUI  Day 3, Le Chapelier/Le Bouelec FRA extend lead
Three races were held at the F16 Europeans on Lake Geneva for the 34 teams. Emanuel Le Chapelier/Eric Le Bouëdec FRA lead 8 points ahead of Alec/Stijn Van Daele BEL. Thomas and Eric Proust FRA follow on rank 3.
The ranking lists.
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F16-Catamaran - European Championship 2017 - Morges SUI

Monday, 17. July 2017– Friday, 21. July 2017

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