
Finn, H-Boot, J-Class, Optimist - International Regatta high season

Tuesday, August 22, 2017   (Image © Carlo Borlenghi)
 Finn, HBoot, JClass, Optimist  International Regatta high season
The yachtracing high season continues this week, closely followed of course by
In Newport RI, USA, the impressive J-Class-Yachts will sail their World Championship. The Finn Silver Cup), the Junior Word Championship of the Class, will be held in Hungary. On Lake Silvaplana, the Swiss Finns will sail their International Championship.The Optimists will duel for the Team-Race-European title on Lake Ledro ITA above Lake Garda, an last-but-not-least, the H-Boats will sail their World Championship on Lake Uri. All mentioned event have their Opening today. Stay tuned !

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