
Optimist, 420, Laser Radial & 4.7, RS Feva - Challenge Boubou - CN Versoix

Sunday, September 17, 2017   
The traditional Challenge Boubou was held off Versoix/Lake Geneva yesterday in a light Southeast breeze of 5 to 8 kn. The top interim's rank have: RS Feva, Gäumann/Fehlmann CNM with two race wins ahead of Milasevic/Bonnier CNM and Verhoest/Verhoest CNV. 420 - 3 boats - Vaudano/Mairate CNV in front of Rizk/Bleeker CNV and Grognuz/Vollmer CVvevey. Optimists - 73 boats -Clément Guignard SNyon winning the only race of the day after 6 general recalls ahead of Tom Siret CNM and Alexis Pariat CNV. Laser Radial - 7 boats - Arno Hunziker CNP with two race wins followed by Erwan Lamoureux CNM and Célien Muller CVVevey. Laser 4.7, Romain Lenormand CNM also two bullets ahead of Aris Dimitracopoulos CNP and Lucie de Gennes CNP. 29ers - 4 boats - Werlen/Leuenberger CNV, Senften/Stettler CNV and Zennaro/Haro CNV on top at equal points.
The results.

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